There is no more beautiful sound than that of my angels giggling. Luckily they are crazy ticklish so it is easy to elicit the beautiful sound. My girls are such happy children. They may drive me crazy and they may be in their terrible 2's and their torturous 3's but they are mine. I have had some very special time with them this week. They are the sweetest most amazing little girls. I am so pleased at how happy they are. They are growing each day to be some really amazing little people. They may not know the things that other kids know at their age, but they know other important things. They are loving, kind, sweet, and they are respectful. I constantly second guess my decision not to send J1 to preschool this year. She may be behind because I'm not the best teacher or spend enough time teaching her the things that kids learn in preschool, but I feel like she knows things that are just as important.
I am not sure why I feel that I need to justify this. I know that my kids should be better with their ABC's. I know that other kids can read site words, and know how to write their names at J1's age. My girls don't do those things. They can sing their ABC's but can't pick them out all the time. They can count to 20 but can't pick the numbers out all the time. They build with blocks and play so well together. They share and they love and look out for each other. They have their moments where they don't get along but nothing that isn't to be expected. I know that I need to be more proactive with working on the basic academics with them. I know that they watch too much TV and that I can change that at any time.
I just am so pleased that at 2 and 3 my girls say "thank you" and "please". They play amazing make believe games. They giggle, laugh, they live for their Daddy and love him like crazy. I know that their obsession with all things princess may be detrimental at some point, but I also know that then social things that they do know will never be lost. Am I crazy to think that social things are just as, if not more important than the academics. My girls are my world. I am just feeling so blessed that they are so terrific and that they love me all the time, even when I feel like I don't deserve it.
Even though some days are hard, and my girls aren't perfect, (heck I am certainly not perfect or any shadow of it). I am proud to be a stay at home mom. I am proud of my girls and where they are in their development. Sometimes I need to remind myself of how amazing they are so that I can quell my often unrealistic expectations of where they "should be" and just be happy with who, and what they are. They are beautiful, loving, and beautiful little people, and I couldn't be prouder to be their mom. Every time they giggle I know that they are happy, and that if they weren't happy then they wouldn't love me the way that they do. I have great kids and I can't take credit for all of that, I can only take credit for teaching them what my husband and I think is important. The rest is all up to them, and I am pretty confident that they are both going to be capable of wonderful things!
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